PARtonic Tomography Of Nucleon Software
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NElemUtils | |
►NLiSK | LiSK namespace |
►CLiSK | LiSK - Library for Evaluating Classical Polylogarithms and Li_22 |
Cconstants | Constants |
NNumA | |
NConstant | Definition of useful mathematical, physical, etc. constants |
NGPDSubtractionConstantDLMSTW21Evolution | |
NGPDSubtractionConstantDLMSTW21Replicas | |
CBaseObject | BaseObject is the ”zeroth-level-object” of the architecture |
CBaseObjectFactory | Provides a clone (returned as a BaseObject pointer) of an object identified by its class name and previously stored in the BaseObjectRegistry |
CBaseObjectRegistry | The Registry is the analog of a phonebook, which lists all available objects (modules or services most of the time) identified by a unique integer identifier or by a unique string (class name) for translation |
CActiveFlavorsThresholds | Interval of factorization scale with fixed number of flavors |
CBaseObjectData | Container to store data to be used by base objects |
CScenario | Class representing single scenario |
CTask | Class representing single task |
CChannelType | Definition of enumeration values for channels |
CCollinearDistributionKinematic | Class representing a single collinear-distribution kinematics |
CCollinearDistributionResult | Class representing single result of a collinear-distribution computation |
CCollinearDistributionType | Definition of enumeration values for collinear distribution types |
CComputation | Class to store computation information |
CConvolCoeffFunctionKinematic | Abstract class representing single CCF kinematics |
CConvolCoeffFunctionResult | Abstract class representing a single result of CCF computation |
CDDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionKinematic | Class representing single CCF kinematics for DDVCS process |
CDDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionResult | Class representing single result of DDVCS CFF computation |
CDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionKinematic | Class representing single CCF kinematics for DVCS process |
CDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionResult | Class representing single result of DVCS CFF computation |
CDVMPConvolCoeffFunctionKinematic | Class representing single CCF kinematics for DVMP process |
CDVMPConvolCoeffFunctionResult | Class representing single result of DVMP CFF computation |
CGAM2ConvolCoeffFunctionKinematic | Class representing single CCF kinematics for two photon production process |
CGAM2ConvolCoeffFunctionResult | Class representing single result of two photon production CFF computation |
CTCSConvolCoeffFunctionKinematic | Class representing single CCF kinematics for TCS process |
CTCSConvolCoeffFunctionResult | Class representing single result of TCS CFF computation |
CGPDKinematic | Class representing single GPD kinematics |
CGPDResult | Class representing single result of GPD computation |
CGPDSubtractionConstantKinematic | Class representing single GPD subtraction constant kinematics |
CGPDSubtractionConstantResult | Class representing single result of GPD subtraction constant computation |
CGPDType | Definition of enumeration values for GPD types |
CFormFactorKinematic | |
CGeneralizedFormFactorKinematic | Class representing the kinematic variables for a Generalized Form Factor model |
CKinematicType | Definition of kinematics types |
CPDFKinematic | |
CTDependentPDFKinematic | Class representing the kinematic variables for a t-dependent Parton Distribution Function model |
CKinematic | Base class for all kinematic-like classes |
CKinematicUtils | Set of utilization tools to handle kinematic-like classes |
CList | STL-like container to store basic PARTONS objects |
CMesonType | Definition of enumeration values for meson types |
CDDVCSObservableKinematic | Class representing single observable kinematics for DDVCS process |
CDDVCSObservableResult | Class representing single result of DDVCS observable computation |
CDVCSObservableKinematic | Class representing single observable kinematics for DVCS process |
CDVCSObservableResult | Class representing single result of DVCS observable computation |
CDVMPObservableKinematic | Class representing single observable kinematics for DVMP process |
CDVMPObservableResult | Class representing single result of DVMP observable computation |
CGAM2ObservableKinematic | Class representing single observable kinematics for two photon production process |
CGAM2ObservableResult | Class representing single result of two photon production observable computation |
CObservableKinematic | Abstract class representing single observable kinematics |
CObservableResult | Abstract class representing single observable result |
CTCSObservableKinematic | Class representing single observable kinematics for TCS process |
CTCSObservableResult | Class representing single result of TCS observable computation |
CGluonDistribution | Container to store value of single gluon distribution |
CPartonDistribution | Parton distributions for single physics object |
CQuarkDistribution | Container to store values of single quark distribution |
CPerturbativeQCDOrderType | Definition of enumeration values for pQCD orders of calculation |
CPolarizationType | Definition of enumeration values for meson polarization state |
CVCSSubProcessType | Definition of enumeration values for VCS subprocess types |
CQuarkFlavor | Definition of enumeration values for quark flavors |
CQuarkNonSingletCombination | Definition of enumeration values for quark non-singlet combinations |
CResult | Base class for all result-like classes |
CScales | Container to store square values of factorization and renormalization scales |
CSortingMode | Definition of sorting modes |
CEnvironmentConfiguration | Class storing environment configuration information |
CFileObject | Class representing single text file |
CResultInfo | Class storing information associated to result evaluation |
CCollinearDistributionKinematicDao | Collinear distribution kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) |
CCollinearDistributionResultDao | Collinear distribution result Data Access Object (DAO) |
CCollinearDistributionKinematicDaoService | Collinear distribution kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CCollinearDistributionResultDaoService | Collinear distribution result Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CComputationDao | Computation information Data Access Object (DAO) |
CEnvironmentConfigurationDao | Environment configuration Data Access Object (DAO) |
CResultInfoDao | Result information Data Access Object (DAO) |
CScenarioDao | Scenario information Data Access Object (DAO) |
CComputationDaoService | Computation information Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CEnvironmentConfigurationDaoService | Environment configuration Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CResultInfoDaoService | Result information Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CScenarioDaoService | Scenario information Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CConvolCoeffFunctionKinematicDao | Compton form factor (CFF) kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) |
CConvolCoeffFunctionResultDao | Compton form factor (CFF) result Data Access Object (DAO) |
CDDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionKinematicDao | Compton form factor (CFF) kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) |
CDDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionResultDao | DDVCS Compton form factor (CFF) result Data Access Object (DAO) |
CDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionKinematicDao | Compton form factor (CFF) kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) |
CDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionResultDao | DVCS Compton form factor (CFF) result Data Access Object (DAO) |
CDVMPConvolCoeffFunctionKinematicDao | Compton form factor (CFF) kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) |
CDVMPConvolCoeffFunctionResultDao | DVMP Compton form factor (CFF) result Data Access Object (DAO) |
CTCSConvolCoeffFunctionKinematicDao | Compton form factor (CFF) kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) |
CTCSConvolCoeffFunctionResultDao | TCS Compton form factor (CFF) result Data Access Object (DAO) |
CConvolCoeffFunctionKinematicDaoService | Compton form factor (CFF) kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CConvolCoeffFunctionResultDaoService | Compton form factor (CFF) result Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionKinematicDaoService | DDVCS Compton form factor (CFF) kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionResultDaoService | DDVCS Compton form factor (CFF) result Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionKinematicDaoService | DVCS Compton form factor (CFF) kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionResultDaoService | DVCS Compton form factor (CFF) result Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDVMPConvolCoeffFunctionKinematicDaoService | DVMP Compton form factor (CFF) kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDVMPConvolCoeffFunctionResultDaoService | DVMP Compton form factor (CFF) result Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CTCSConvolCoeffFunctionKinematicDaoService | TCS Compton form factor (CFF) kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CTCSConvolCoeffFunctionResultDaoService | TCS Compton form factor (CFF) result Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDatabase | Basic object storing database information |
CDatabaseFileObject | Base class for those representing files in database |
CDatabaseManager | Manager for database handling |
CDateTimeUtils | Time format utilities used by database services |
CGPDKinematicDao | GPD kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) |
CGPDResultDao | GPD result Data Access Object (DAO) |
CGPDKinematicDaoService | GPD kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CGPDResultDaoService | GPD result Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDDVCSObservableKinematicDao | DDVCS Observable kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) |
CDDVCSObservableResultDao | DDVCS Observable result Data Access Object (DAO) |
CDVCSObservableKinematicDao | DVCS Observable kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) |
CDVCSObservableResultDao | DVCS Observable result Data Access Object (DAO) |
CDVMPObservableKinematicDao | DVMP Observable kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) |
CDVMPObservableResultDao | DVMP Observable result Data Access Object (DAO) |
CObservableKinematicDao | Observable kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) |
CObservableResultDao | Observable result Data Access Object (DAO) |
CTCSObservableKinematicDao | TCS Observable kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) |
CTCSObservableResultDao | TCS Observable result Data Access Object (DAO) |
CDDVCSObservableKinematicDaoService | DDVCS Observable kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDDVCSObservableResultDaoService | DDVCS Observable result Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDVCSObservableKinematicDaoService | DVCS Observable kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDVCSObservableResultDaoService | DVCS Observable result Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDVMPObservableKinematicDaoService | DVMP Observable kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CDVMPObservableResultDaoService | DVMP Observable result Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CObservableKinematicDaoService | Observable kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CObservableResultDaoService | Observable result Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CTCSObservableKinematicDaoService | TCS Observable kinematics Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CTCSObservableResultDaoService | TCS Observable result Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CPartonDistributionDao | Parton distribution Data Access Object (DAO) |
CQuarkDistributionDao | Quark distribution Data Access Object (DAO) |
CPartonDistributionDaoService | Parton distribution Data Access Object (DAO) service |
CResultDaoService | Use temporary CSV file before insert data into database |
CModuleObject | Super class of all module types - A module is a class that performs a specific compute task |
CModuleObjectFactory | It's a specialization of the BaseObjectFactory to get intermediate abstract module class specialization to be able to use directly more sophisticated methods (like compute(...)) |
CModuleObjectReference | |
CActiveFlavorsThresholdsConstant | Fixed number of active quark flavors |
CActiveFlavorsThresholdsModule | Abstract class for modules defining number of quark flavors intervals |
CActiveFlavorsThresholdsQuarkMasses | Number of active quark flavors intervals corresponding to quark masses |
CActiveFlavorsThresholdsVariable | Variable number of active quark flavors |
CCollinearDistributionLHAPDF | A module that encapsulates a set provided through the LHAPDF interface |
CCollinearDistributionModule | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a Generalized Parton Distributions (CollinearDistribution) module |
CConvolCoeffFunctionModule | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a Convolution of Coefficient Function module |
CDDVCSCFFStandard | |
CDDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionModule | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a Compton Form Factor (CFF) module |
CDVCSCFFConstant | Module to set CFF values via automation or via configure() function |
CDVCSCFFDispersionRelation | Dispersion relation DVCS/CFF model |
CDVCSCFFHeavyQuark | TODO: Add description |
CDVCSCFFNN | DVCS CFFs based on neural network analysis |
CDVCSCFFStandard | TODO: Add description |
CDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionModule | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a Compton Form Factor (CFF) module |
CDVMPCFFGK06 | This module calculates helicity amplitudes and partial cross sections of exclusive pi0 and pi+ leptoproduction formulated in Goloskokov-Kroll model |
CDVMPCFFGK06IntegrationParameters | |
CDVMPConvolCoeffFunctionModule | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a Compton Form Factor (CFF) module |
CGAM2CFFStandard | Class used to compute CFF for photoproduction of diphoton Used formulas are presented in (called the NLO paper), in some cases we refer also to: (OG's MSc thesis) |
CGAM2CFFStandardIntegrationParameters | |
CGAM2ConvolCoeffFunctionModule | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a Compton Form Factor (CFF) module |
CTCSCFFFromDVCS | This module calculates TCS Compton Form Factors using DVCS CFFs |
CTCSCFFFromDVCSDifferentiationParameters | |
CTCSCFFFromDVCSOnlyNLOPart | This module calculates TCS Compton Form Factors using DVCS CFFs (only NLO addition to LO is given) |
CTCSCFFStandard | TODO: Add description |
CTCSConvolCoeffFunctionModule | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a Compton Form Factor (CFF) module |
CCollinearDistributionEvolutionApfel | |
CCollinearDistributionEvolutionModule | Abstract class for collinear distribution evolution implementation |
CGPDEvolutionApfel | |
CGPDEvolutionModule | Abstract class for GPD evolution implementation |
CGPDEvolutionVinnikov | GPD evolution according to Vinnikov routines |
CGPDBDMMS21 | GPD module containing example of NLO shadow GPD |
CGPDGK11 | A module that implements GPD as defined by Kroll-Goloskokov model in 2011 |
CGPDGK16 | A module that implements GPD as defined by Kroll-Goloskokov model in 2011 |
CGPDGK16Numerical | A module that implements GPD as defined by Kroll-Goloskokov model in 2011 |
CGPDGK19 | The module implements GPDs which appear in Goloskokov-Kroll (GK) model in pseudoscalar meson production |
CGPDHM18 | The proposition of the scalar di-quark model (SDQM) in the context of GPDs back to the Jakob-Mulders-Rodrigues paper hep-ph/9704335 [14] |
CGPDMMS13 | Mezrag-Moutarde-Sabatié GPD model |
CGPDModule | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a Generalized Parton Distributions (GPD) module |
CGPDMPSSW13 | Module based on the original code (TBDP class) received from H. Moutarde as a private communication |
CGPDSelectOnePartonType | This model allows to select a single parton type |
CGPDVGG99 | For the reference see: |
CGPDVinnikov06 | Module based on the original code from |
CGPDSubtractionConstantDLMSTW21 | Implementation of DLMSTW subtraction constant |
CGPDSubtractionConstantKM10 | Implementation of KM subtraction constant |
CGPDSubtractionConstantModule | Abstract class for modeling of GPD subtraction constant |
CMathIntegratorModule | Wrapper for integration routines |
CDDVCSAluPhi | Longitudinally polarized beam asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDDVCSAluPhiParameters | |
CDDVCSAluPhiL | Longitudinally polarized beam asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDDVCSAluPhiLParameters | |
CDDVCSCrossSectionTotal | Unpolarized cross-section for electro-production integrated over \(xB\), \(Q^{2}\), \(t\) and angles |
CDDVCSCrossSectionTotalParameters | |
CDDVCSCrossSectionUUMinus | Unpolarized cross-section for negative beam charge |
CDDVCSCrossSectionUUMinusDVCSLimit | Unpolarized cross-section for negative beam charge - DVCS limit |
CDDVCSCrossSectionUUMinusDVCSLimitParameters | |
CDDVCSCrossSectionUUMinusTCSLimit | Unpolarized cross-section for negative beam charge - DVCS limit |
CDDVCSCrossSectionUUMinusTCSLimitParameters | |
CDDVCSObservable | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a DDVCSObservable module |
CDVCSAc | Beam charge asymmetry |
CDVCSAcCos0Phi | 0th Fourier moment of beam charge asymmetry |
CDVCSAcCos1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of beam charge asymmetry |
CDVCSAcCos2Phi | 2th Fourier moment of beam charge asymmetry |
CDVCSAcCos3Phi | 3th Fourier moment of beam charge asymmetry |
CDVCSAllMinus | Longitudinally polarized beam and target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVCSAllMinusCos0Phi | 0th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam and target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVCSAllMinusCos1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam and target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVCSAllMinusCos2Phi | 2th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam and target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVCSAllPlus | Longitudinally polarized beam and target asymmetry for positive beam charge |
CDVCSAllPlusCos0Phi | 0th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam and target asymmetry for positive beam charge |
CDVCSAllPlusCos1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam and target asymmetry for positive beam charge |
CDVCSAllPlusCos2Phi | 2th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam and target asymmetry for positive beam charge |
CDVCSAltDVCSCosPhiMPhis | Longitudinal beam and transverse target asymmetry (DVCS part) |
CDVCSAltDVCSCosPhiMPhisCos0Phi | 0th Fourier moment of longitudinal beam transverse target asymmetry (DVCS part) |
CDVCSAltDVCSCosPhiMPhisCos1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinal beam transverse target asymmetry (DVCS part) |
CDVCSAltDVCSSinPhiMPhis | Longitudinal beam and transverse target asymmetry (DVCS part) |
CDVCSAltDVCSSinPhiMPhisSin1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinal beam transverse target asymmetry (DVCS part) |
CDVCSAltIntCosPhiMPhis | Longitudinal beam and transverse target asymmetry (interference part) |
CDVCSAltIntCosPhiMPhisCos0Phi | 0th Fourier moment of longitudinal beam transverse target asymmetry (interference part) |
CDVCSAltIntCosPhiMPhisCos1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinal beam transverse target asymmetry (interference part) |
CDVCSAltIntCosPhiMPhisCos2Phi | 2th Fourier moment of longitudinal beam transverse target asymmetry (interference part) |
CDVCSAltIntSinPhiMPhis | Longitudinal beam and transverse target asymmetry (interference part) |
CDVCSAltIntSinPhiMPhisSin1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinal beam transverse target asymmetry (interference part) |
CDVCSAltIntSinPhiMPhisSin2Phi | 2th Fourier moment of longitudinal beam transverse target asymmetry (interference part) |
CDVCSAluDVCS | Longitudinally polarized beam asymmetry for sum over beam charges (DVCS part) |
CDVCSAluDVCSSin1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam asymmetry for sum over beam charges (DVCS part) |
CDVCSAluInt | Longitudinally polarized beam asymmetry for difference over beam charges (interference part) |
CDVCSAluIntSin1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam asymmetry for difference over beam charges (interference part) |
CDVCSAluIntSin2Phi | 2th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam asymmetry for difference over beam charges (interference part) |
CDVCSAluMinus | Longitudinally polarized beam asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVCSAluMinusSin1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVCSAluPlus | Longitudinally polarized beam asymmetry for positive beam charge |
CDVCSAulMinus | Longitudinally polarized target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVCSAulMinusSin1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVCSAulMinusSin2Phi | 2th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVCSAulMinusSin3Phi | 3th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVCSAulPlus | Longitudinally polarized target asymmetry for positive beam charge |
CDVCSAulPlusSin1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized target asymmetry for positive beam charge |
CDVCSAulPlusSin2Phi | 2th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized target asymmetry for positive beam charge |
CDVCSAulPlusSin3Phi | 3th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized target asymmetry for positive beam charge |
CDVCSAutDVCSSinPhiMPhis | Transverse target asymmetry (DVCS part) |
CDVCSAutDVCSSinPhiMPhisCos0Phi | 0th Fourier moment of transverse target asymmetry (DVCS part) |
CDVCSAutIntSinPhiMPhis | Transverse target asymmetry (interference part) |
CDVCSAutIntSinPhiMPhisCos0Phi | 0th Fourier moment of transverse target asymmetry (interference part) |
CDVCSAutIntSinPhiMPhisCos1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of transverse target asymmetry (interference part) |
CDVCSAutIntSinPhiMPhisSin1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of transverse target asymmetry (interference part) |
CDVCSAutMinusSinPhiMPhis | Transverse target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVCSAutMinusSinPhiMPhisCos0Phi | 0th Fourier moment of transverse target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVCSCrossSectionDifferenceLUMinus | Unpolarized cross-section difference for longitudinally polarized beam and negative beam charge |
CDVCSCrossSectionTotal | Unpolarized cross-section for electro-production integrated over \(xB\), \(Q^{2}\), \(t\) and angles |
CDVCSCrossSectionTotalParameters | |
CDVCSCrossSectionUUBHSubProc | Unpolarized cross-section for BH subprocess only |
CDVCSCrossSectionUUDVCSSubProc | Unpolarized cross-section for DVCS only |
CDVCSCrossSectionUUDVCSSubProcPhiIntegrated | Unpolarized cross-section for electro-production integrated over \(\phi\) |
CDVCSCrossSectionUUMinus | Unpolarized cross-section for negative beam charge |
CDVCSCrossSectionUUMinusPhiIntegrated | Unpolarized cross-section for electro-production integrated over \(\phi\) |
CDVCSCrossSectionUUVirtualPhotoProduction | Unpolarized cross-section for virtual photo-production |
CDVCSCrossSectionUUVirtualPhotoProductionPhiIntegrated | Unpolarized cross-section for virtual photo-production integrated over \(\phi\) |
CDVCSObservable | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a DVCSObservable module |
CDVMPAlluMinus | \(A_{LLU}\) asymmetry (long |
CDVMPAlluMinusCos0Phi | 0th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam - target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVMPAlluMinusCos1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam - target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVMPAlluMinusCos2Phi | 2nd Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized beam - target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVMPAluuMinus | \(A_{LUU}\) asymmetry (long |
CDVMPAluuMinusSin1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVMPAuluMinus | \(A_{ULU}\) asymmetry (unpolarized beam, long |
CDVMPAuluMinusSin1Phi | 1th Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVMPAuluMinusSin2Phi | 2nd Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVMPAuluMinusSin3Phi | 3rd Fourier moment of longitudinally polarized target asymmetry for negative beam charge |
CDVMPCrossSectionTotal | Unpolarized cross-section for electro-production integrated over \(xB\), \(Q^{2}\), \(t\) and angles |
CDVMPCrossSectionTotalParameters | |
CDVMPCrossSectionUUUMinus | Unpolarized cross-section for negative beam charge |
CDVMPCrossSectionUUUMinusPhiIntegrated | Unpolarized cross-section for electro-production integrated over \(\phi\) |
CDVMPObservable | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a DVMPObservable module |
CObservable | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement an Observable module |
CTCSAcu | Asymmetry probing circular beam polarization |
CTCSAcuThetaIntegrated | Acu asymmetry with cross-sections integrated over \(\theta\) in a given range (default: \(|\theta - \pi/2| < \pi/4\)) |
CTCSAfb | Forward-backward TCS asymmetry |
CTCSAutCosPhiMPhis | Asymmetry probing transverse target polarization \(\cos(\phi - \phi_{S})\) component |
CTCSAutCosPhiMPhisThetaIntegrated | AutCosPhiMPhis asymmetry with cross-sections integrated over \(\theta\) in a given range (default: \(|\theta - \pi/2| < \pi/4\)) |
CTCSAutSinPhiMPhis | Asymmetry probing transverse target polarization \(\sin(\phi - \phi_{S})\) component |
CTCSAutSinPhiMPhisThetaIntegrated | AutSinPhiMPhis asymmetry with cross-sections integrated over \(\theta\) in a given range (default: \(|\theta - \pi/2| < \pi/4\)) |
CTCSR | Asymmetry R |
CTCSCrossSectionDifferenceCU | Difference of cross-sections obtained with two states of incoming photon circular polarization |
CTCSCrossSectionDifferenceCUThetaIntegrated | Difference of cross-sections obtained with two states of incoming photon circular polarization integrated over \(\theta\) in a given range (default: \(|\theta - \pi/2| < \pi/4\)) |
CTCSCrossSectionTotal | Unpolarized cross-section for electro-production integrated over \(xB\), \(Q^{2}\), \(t\) and angles |
CTCSCrossSectionTotalParameters | |
CTCSCrossSectionUU | Unpolarized cross-section |
CTCSCrossSectionUUThetaIntegrated | Unpolarized cross-section integrated over \(\theta\) in a given range (default: \(|\theta - \pi/2| < \pi/4\)) |
CTCSCrossSectionUUThetaPhiIntegrated | Unpolarized cross-section integrated over \(\theta\) in a given range (default: \(|\theta - \pi/2| < \pi/4\)) and \(\phi\) in the full range |
CTCSCrossSectionUUWeighted | Weighted unpolarized cross-section |
CTCSCrossSectionUUWeightedThetaIntegrated | Weighted unpolarized cross-section integrated over \(\theta\) in a given range (default: \(|\theta - \pi/2| < \pi/4\)) |
CTCSObservable | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a TCSObservable module |
CDDVCSProcessDMSW22 | Evaluation of differential cross-section for DDVCS process |
CDDVCSProcessModule | Abstract class for computing the differential cross section of the photon electroproduction process (also called DDVCS; Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering) |
CDVCSProcessBMJ12 | Module for the DVCS process using the Belitsky-Müller set of formulas |
CDVCSProcessGV08 | Module for the DVCS process using the unpublished Guichon-Vanderhaeghen set of formulas |
CDVCSProcessModule | Abstract class for computing the differential cross section of the photon electroproduction process (also called DVCS; Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering) |
CDVCSProcessVGG99 | VGG process model for DVCS |
CDVMPProcessGK06 | TODO |
CDVMPProcessModule | Abstract class for computing the differential cross section of Deeply Virtual Meson Production (DVMP) |
CGAM2ProcessGPSSW21 | Module for the GAM2 process using arXiv:2110.00048 set of formulas |
CGAM2ProcessModule | Abstract class for computing the differential cross section of the XXX |
CProcessModule | Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a Process module |
CTCSProcessBDP01 | Short description |
CTCSProcessBDPGW19 | Short description |
CTCSProcessModule | Abstract class for computing the differential cross section of the photon electroproduction process (also called TCS; Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering) |
CRunningAlphaStrongApfel | |
CRunningAlphaStrongGK | Evaluation of the strong running coupling constant as in the GK HEMP framework |
CRunningAlphaStrongModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating QCD running coupling constant |
CRunningAlphaStrongStandard | Evaluation of the strong running coupling constant in the \(\overline{MS}\) scheme |
CRunningAlphaStrongVinnikov | Evaluation of the strong running coupling constant as in the Vinnikov evolution routines |
CDDVCSScalesModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating factorization and renormalization scales (DDVCS case) |
CDDVCSScalesVirtualitiesSum | |
CDVCSScalesModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating factorization and renormalization scales (DVCS case) |
CDVCSScalesQ2Multiplier | Evaluation of factorization and renormalization scales as a linear function of \(Q^2\) |
CDVMPScalesModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating factorization and renormalization scales (DVMP case) |
CDVMPScalesQ2Multiplier | Evaluation of factorization and renormalization scales as a linear function of \(Q^2\) |
CGAM2ScalesMgg2Multiplier | Evaluation of factorization and renormalization scales as a linear function of \(M_{\gamma\gamma}^2\) |
CGAM2ScalesModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating factorization and renormalization scales (GAM2 case) |
CScalesModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating factorization and renormalization scales |
CTCSScalesModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating factorization and renormalization scales (TCS case) |
CTCSScalesQ2PrimMultiplier | Evaluation of factorization and renormalization scales as a linear function of \(Q'^2\) |
CDDVCSXiConverterModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating GPD variable xi (DDVCS case) |
CDDVCSXiConverterTNeglected | |
CDVCSXiConverterModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating GPD variable xi (DVCS case) |
CDVCSXiConverterXBToXi | Evaluation of GPD variable xi from \(x_{B}\) for DVCS |
CDVMPXiConverterModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating GPD variable xi (DVMP case) |
CDVMPXiConverterXBToXi | Evaluation of GPD variable xi from \(x_{B}\) for DVMP |
CGAM2XiConverterExact | Evaluation of GPD variable xi from kinematics for GAM2 |
CGAM2XiConverterModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating GPD variable xi (GAM2 case) |
CTCSXiConverterExact | Exact evaluation of GPD variable xi for TCS |
CTCSXiConverterModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating GPD variable xi (TCS case) |
CTCSXiConverterTauToXi | Evaluation of GPD variable xi from \(\tau\) for TCS |
CXiConverterModule | Abstract class for modules evaluating GPD variable xi |
CPartons | |
CResourceManager | |
CServiceObject | Services hide the complexity of low-level functions to provide high-level functionalities to the user |
CServiceObjectRegistry | |
CServiceObjectTyped | Abstract class for a service |
CAutomationService | Automation service is designed to dynamically run complex tasks (by calling service object methods) or to create some complex C++ objects, all described by an XML file |
CDefaultXMLParser | |
CQt4MessageHandler | |
CQt4XMLValidator | |
CScenarioManager | <singleton> |
CXMLParserI | |
CXMLValidatorI | |
CCollinearDistributionService | Class to handle and compute collinear-distribution modules |
CComparisonService | Comparison service (incomplete) |
CConvolCoeffFunctionService | Abstract class for a service to handle and compute pre-configured CCF modules |
CDDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionService | Singleton to handle and compute some pre-configured CCF modules |
CDDVCSObservableService | Singleton to handle and compute some pre-configured observable modules |
CDVCSConvolCoeffFunctionService | Singleton to handle and compute some pre-configured CCF modules |
CDVCSObservableService | Singleton to handle and compute some pre-configured observable modules |
CDVMPConvolCoeffFunctionService | Singleton to handle and compute some pre-configured CCF modules |
CDVMPObservableService | Singleton to handle and compute some pre-configured observable modules |
CGPDService | Class to handle and compute GPD modules |
CCryptographicHashI | Abstract class for modules generating hash values |
CCryptographicHashService | Service for generation of hash values |
CQt4CryptographicHash | Class for generating hash values based on Qt4 library |
CObservableService | Abstract class for a service to handle and compute observables |
CTCSConvolCoeffFunctionService | Singleton to handle and compute some pre-configured CCF modules |
CTCSObservableService | Singleton to handle and compute some pre-configured observable modules |
CVizualisationService | Visualization service (incomplete) |
CCompareUtils | Set of utility tools to perform comparisons |
CComparisonData | Comparison report for single data point |
CComparisonMode | Definition of comparison modes |
CComparisonReport | Comparison report |
CCCFModuleNullPointerException | Exception to indicate missing CFF module |
CGPDModuleNullPointerException | Exception to indicate missing GPD module |
CGPDUtils | |
CMapUtils | |
CErrorBar | Class representing single asymmetrical error bar |
CMDArray | Multidimensional optimized array |
CPartonContent | Container to store single numbers for photons, gluons and all quark flavors |
CPlot2D | Container to store a single point in 2D space |
CPlot2DList | List<Plot2D> with a member to get a string representation to be written in a file |
CThreadManager | |
CThreadQueue | |
CBaseType | |
CDouble | |
CPhysicalType | Value with unit |
CPhysicalUnit | Definition of units |
CUnitCategory | Definition of units |
CVectorUtils |