Numerical Analysis C++ routines
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CFunctionTypeMDClass for defining multi-dimensional functions that can be used as arguments in virtual methods
 CFunctorMDTemplate class for defining multi-dimensional functions that can be used as arguments in virtual methods
 CFunctionType1DClass for defining one-dimensional functions that can be used as arguments in virtual methods
 CFunctor1DTemplate class for defining one-dimensional functions that can be used as arguments in virtual methods
 CChebyshevAIntegrator1DChebyshev quadrature for computing the integral \( \int_{-1}^1 \mathrm{dx} f(x) \sqrt{1-x^2} \)
 CChebyshevBIntegrator1DChebyshev quadrature for computing the integral \( \int_{-1}^1 \mathrm{dx} \frac{f(x)}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \)
 CDExpIntegrator1DThis is an implementation of the double exponential rule
 CGaussLegendreIntegrator1DGauss-Legendre quadrature
 CGaussLegendreSeStIntegrator1DGauss-Legendre quadrature
 CIntegrator1DAbstract class for all integration routines
 CIntegratorType1DType of one-dimensional integrations (wrapper for enum)
 CQuadratureIntegrator1DAbstract quadrature class (for fixed quadrature rules)
 CTrapezoidalIntegrator1DTrapezoidal integration
 CTrapezoidalLogIntegrator1DTrapezoidal integration with logarithmic step
 CChebyshevChebyshev expansion class
 CEigenUtilsTools for the Eigen wrapper
 CLSMRSolverLSMR solves Ax = b or min ||Ax - b|| with or without damping, using the iterative algorithm of David Fong and Michael Saunders:
 CLinAlgUtilsLinear algebra routines such as linear solvers
 CMatrixDRepresents a two-dimensional array of double
 CMatrixComplex2DMatrix of complex numbers of size 2x2
 CMatrixComplex3DMatrix of complex numbers of size 3x3
 CMatrixComplex4DMatrix of complex numbers of size 4x4
 CMatrixComplexDMatrix of complex numbers of undefined size
 CVector2DObject representing a two-dimensional vector
 CVector3DObject representing a three-dimensional vector
 CVector4DObject representing a four-vector
 CVectorDObject representing a mathematical vector
 CVectorComplex2DVector of complex numbers of size 2
 CVectorComplex3DVector of complex numbers of size 3
 CVectorComplex4DVector of complex numbers of size 4
 CVectorComplexDVector of complex numbers of undefined size
 CNewtonThe code supports on the example of the python library : scipy
 CNewtonMDNewton method generalized to any dimension N: Solves the system G(X) = 0, where G is a regular but non-linear application \( R^N \rightarrow R^N \)
 CDifferencesClass defining absolute and relative differences for comparison of real numbers (double)
 CErrorsClass for defining estimations of absolute and relative errors
 CFunctorUtilsUtilities for Functors
 CIntervalClass defining an interval (with given bounds and step)
 CMathUtilsMiscellaneous utilities (mathematical functions, etc)
 CTolerancesDefine absolute and relative tolerances for comparison of real numbers (double) and check if they are positive