PARtonic Tomography Of Nucleon Software


This page explains how to use PARTONS. At this point you should have your own version of PARTONS available: either compiled on your own system (Linux or Mac), or accessible through our virtual machine . To run PARTONS properly, make sure to set up correctly the configuration files. Note also that some tasks described here require a MySQL server to be available and pre-configured to work with PARTONS.

To perform all kinds of tasks you should use Services, which have been developed in order to make your life easier with PARTONS. You may consider Services as a toolbox, which allows you to write a simple task and get back powerful C++ objects. You do not need to worry about how to use low level objects and functions - Services configure and use them for you.

We provide two ways of using Services (and therefore of using PARTONS):

  • The first and the most preferred one is to use XML files. A great advantage of this way is a possibility to perform complex tasks in a simple and generic way without writing a line of C++ code and without rebuilding PARTONS-related projects. In addition, both the input XML file and the result produced with this file can be stored in the database, so one can easily keep track of all computations done so far and retrieve specific data (e.g. to make a plot) at a convenient time.
  • The second way of using PARTONS is to use its library and the corresponding headers to write a standalone program - we recommend this way for only the most complex and sophisticated tasks. If you wish to explore this way of using PARTONS, we strongly recommend you to use an IDE such as Eclipse CDT for any code writing.

One can distinguish three types of Services:

  • System services are used to perform basic operations, like calling for new objects, parsing XML scenarios, handling threads, etc. These services are used mainly by the developers and they will not be discussed here any further.
  • Database services are used to handle the database and perform such operations as the insertion, selection and deletion of data. These services are used mainly by the developers and they are described in this page.
  • Computation services are used to perform all kinds of computational tasks. They have been designed to be used by PARTONS users and they are described here.

PARTONS benefits from a layered structure corresponding to the factorized nature of GPD-oriented computations. We distinguish three layers, each one coming with its own computation service(s). These are:

  • GPD layer;
  • Convolution coefficient function layer;
  • Observable.

When a computation is performed, higher layers call lower ones automatically. The responsibility of a PARTONS user is to only set all required physical assumptions, such as GPD model, order of pQCD approximation, etc.

PARTONS_example project

It is useful for this tutorial to have our example project called partons-example set up and ready to be used. It can serve as an illustration of topics being discussed here and you can base your own program on it for a start. The project is set up to run any XML scenario. The collection of exemplary XML scenarios can be found in data/examples directory.

The project comes with main.cpp file, which illustrates how to call and handle properly PARTONS library in a stand alone program (see this section for more information). With a minor modification, which is clearly indicated in main.cpp, the project can also serve as a base to run any C++ code based on PARTONS library. The collection of exemplary C++ functions is included in examples.h (header) and example.cpp (source) files.

Read this short tutorial to learn how to evaluate (play) a demonstration XML scenario in partons-example. Note, that you can use this project to run any XML scenario that you will create during your work with PARTONS.

PARTONS executable

Here we demonstrate how to create the main function of an executable project, like main() of partons-example. That is, we show how to initialize and handle the PARTONS library and how to call its members properly.

If you wish to work with PARTONS by using only XML scenarios run through partons-example (see this section for more information) and you are not interested in details on how the main function of partons-example is built, you may skip this section of the tutorial.

This is the skeleton for the main function:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Initialize Qt
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
PARTONS::Partons* pPartons = 0;
try {
// Initialize PARTONS application
pPartons->init(argc, argv);
// Your program goes here
// Organize your code as you wish by calling your own methods and classes making use of PARTONS.
// In a case of PARTONS exception
catch (const ElemUtils::CustomException &e) {
// Show why the exception has occurred
// In a case of standard exception
catch (const std::exception &e) {
// Show why the exception has occurred
pPartons->getLoggerManager()->error("main", __func__, e.what());
// Close PARTONS application properly
if (pPartons) {
return 0;
Definition: Partons.h:32
void close()
Called at the very end of the code.
Definition: Partons.cpp:127
ElemUtils::LoggerManager * getLoggerManager() const
Definition: Partons.cpp:191
static Partons * getInstance()
Share a unique pointer of this class.
Definition: Partons.cpp:27
void init(int argc, char **argv)
Must be called before any other thing.
Definition: Partons.cpp:85

Note the following:

  • To evaluate a single XML scenario you need to add
    // Retrieve automation service parse scenario xml file and play it.
    // Parse scenarion of a given path
    PARTONS::Scenario* pScenario = pAutomationService->parseXMLFile("path_to_scenario");
    // Evaluate (play)
    Automation service is designed to dynamically run complex tasks (by calling service object methods) o...
    Definition: AutomationService.h:35
    Scenario * parseXMLFile(const std::string &xmlFilePath) const
    Open and validate XML file with XML schema file.
    Definition: AutomationService.cpp:70
    void playScenario(Scenario *pScenario) const
    Definition: AutomationService.cpp:112
    ServiceObjectRegistry * getServiceObjectRegistry() const
    Definition: Partons.cpp:179
    Class representing single scenario.
    Definition: Scenario.h:51
    AutomationService * getAutomationService() const
    Definition: ServiceObjectRegistry.cpp:110
    For your convenience, you may pass path_to_scenario as a function argument.
  • It is not mandatory, but still highly recommended to keep the try-catch mechanism in order to catch exceptions and display with the Logger the associated error messages. Without this mechanism the information on what has caused the termination of your program is lost.
  • Partons is a singleton object that initializes and configures all other singletons, like services and registries. Make sure to have well set up configurations files for the initialization and configuration to work. See this tutorial for more information.
  • The following includes are necessary for the code presented in this section to work:
    #include <ElementaryUtils/logger/CustomException.h>
    #include <ElementaryUtils/logger/LoggerManager.h>
    #include <QtCore/qcoreapplication.h> //or <QCoreApplication>
    #include <partons/services/automation/AutomationService.h> //to play XML scenario
    #include <partons/ServiceObjectRegistry.h> //to play XML scenario
    Be sure to include all the headers required by your code. Eclipse can automatically do it for you with the combination of keys Ctrl+Shift+O, assuming that it has been correctly configured as explained in this tutorial.
  • All of PARTONS' classes are encapsulated in a namespace PARTONS. The examples presented in the tutorials use systematically an explicit namespace, but if you wish you can also handle it implicitly with:
    using namespace PARTONS;
    Definition: BaseObject.cpp:11

Using XML interface

We refer to a set of physics assumptions as a scenario. In this section we demonstrate how a single scenario can be encoded in an input XML file to be evaluated (played) by PARTONS. This will be achieved with the help of this example, which is used to evaluate one of the Fourier moments of DVCS beam charge asymmetry, \(A_{C}^{\cos 2\phi}\), in a single kinematic point:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<scenario date="2017-06-15" description="How to compute an observable">
<task service="DVCSObservableService" method="computeSingleKinematic" storeInDB="0">
<kinematics type="DVCSObservableKinematic">
<param name="xB" value="0.1" />
<param name="t" value="-0.1" />
<param name="Q2" value="2." />
<param name="E" value="12." />
<param name="phi" value="20." />
<module type="DVCSObservableModule" name="DVCSAcCos2Phi">
<module type="DVCSProcessModule" name="DVCSProcessGV08">
<module type="DVCSScalesModule" name="DVCSScalesQ2Multiplier">
<param name="lambda" value="1." />
<module type="DVCSXiConverterModule" name="DVCSXiConverterXBToXi">
<module type="DVCSConvolCoeffFunctionModule" name="DVCSCFFStandard">
<param name="qcd_order_type" value="LO" />
<module type="GPDModule" name="GPDGK11">
<task service="DVCSObservableService" method="printResults">

Let us analyze the structure of this scenario step-by-step:

  • The scenario starts with a typical XML preamble encoded between <? ... ?> tags. Keep it in each of your XML scenarios and do not modify it - the preamble is used exclusively by XML parsers.
  • The scenario is defined between <scenario></scenario> tags. For your convenience and for bookkeeping, set both date when the scenario was created and your own unique description.
  • The scenario contains two tasks - each one with input data encoded between <task></task> tags. The information in the opening tags defines the target Service (service = "") and the method (method = "") to be called. In our example, the first task is for the computation, while the second one prints out the result to the standard output. Available tasks for all Services are summarized in the following section.
  • In the opening tag defining the computational task, a switch is available, storeInDB = "", to store the result in the database. When this switch is active, both the scenario file and the result are stored in the database. You may refer to the stored data by a unique value returned to the standard output by one of the involved database services:
    26-06-2017 03:48:04 [INFO] (DVCSObservableService::computeTask) ObservableResultList object has been stored in database with computation_id=2
  • In the computational task, the input kinematics of a given type is defined between <kinematics></kinematics> tags. See examples provided in the following section to learn how to define these objects. Note that they can be defined either via XML file (as in the analyzed example), or via external text files (for a more convenient handling of lists).
  • Physics assumptions are defined between <computation_configuration></computation_configuration> tags. It is a nested structure that indicates PARTONS modules to be used. The structure corresponds to the following computation structure: The list of all available PARTONS modules is summarized in this section.
  • Each module can be configured by a set of <param/> self-closing tags. It is the way of transferring parameters from XML files to specific PARTONS modules.

Using C++ interface

These are the most important remarks on the usage of PARTONS' C++ interface. Due to the complexity of this subject, we recommend you to study examples provided in this section and in the partons-example project.

  • The recommended way of using PARTONS is through Services, even with the C++ interface. In the following section, the three main services are presented (the names of the services redirect to the class documentation), with various possibles tasks. Some of these tasks can be used with the C++ interface (click on their name to be redirected to a page with more details).
  • For any code writing and further development we strongly recommend you to use an IDE such as Eclipse CDT. See this tutorial for more information.
  • PARTONS uses the Registry / Factory mechanism. The Registry is the analog of a phone book, which lists all available modules. From the software engineering point of view, it corresponds to the singleton design pattern, which ensures that it is unique. When during the execution a new module is created, the first thing to do is to call this unique instance, and to register the new module with the class name provided by the developer. In return, the Registry gives a unique identifier encoded in an integer variable. When the user creates a new instance of this class, he calls the Factory, which clones the original object from the Registry and returns it to the user. The clone may be returned by the Factory either by using the class name or the unique id. For example to get an instance of GPDGK11 we use:
    // To be avoided (used by XML parser only)
    PARTONS::GPDModule* pGK11Module1 =
    // Recommended as it is faster and allows to avoid hard-coding of character strings
    PARTONS::GPDModule* pGK11Module2 =
    static const unsigned int classId
    Unique ID to automatically register the class in the registry.
    Definition: GPDGK11.h:47
    Abstract class that provides a skeleton to implement a Generalized Parton Distributions (GPD) module.
    Definition: GPDModule.h:36
    GPDModule * newGPDModule(unsigned int classId)
    Specialization of ModuleObjectFactory::newModuleObject into a GPDModule.
    Definition: ModuleObjectFactory.cpp:173
    ModuleObjectFactory * getModuleObjectFactory() const
    Definition: Partons.cpp:187
  • PARTONS uses the logger mechanism. Use it whenever needed, instead of functions like printf(), std::cout, etc. This will allow to create a consistent output and it is crucial to keep the continuity of the information stream - since the Logger uses a different thread than the computation (with the advantage of not slowing down the computation with parasitic printing), information sent by the Logger and by e.g. printf() function will not be properly synchronized. To use the Logger, run one of the following functions:
    debug(__func__, ElemUtils::Formatter() << "Debugging information");
    info(__func__, ElemUtils::Formatter() << "Information");
    warn(__func__, ElemUtils::Formatter() << "Warning");
    throw ElemUtils::CustomException(getClassName(), __func__, ElemUtils::Formatter() << "Error");
    Here, we have assumed that the functions are called from a method of a class that inherits from BaseObject, which is true for e.g. all modules. Let us name this class MyClass and the aforementioned method as someFunction(). Then, the output returned by the Logger will be similar to that one:
    26-06-2017 12:11:52 [DEBUG] (MyClass::someFunction) Debugging information
    26-06-2017 12:11:52 [INFO] (MyClass::someFunction) Information
    26-06-2017 12:11:52 [WARN] (MyClass::someFunction) Warning
    26-06-2017 12:11:52 [ERROR] (MyClass::someFunction) Error
    The last one is an exception that stops the execution (if appropriately caught and processed by the execution program). The appearance of each information type in the PARTONS output depends on the Logger's configuration.
  • The Formatter, ElemUtils::Formatter, is a stream buffer that allows to build sophisticated character strings out of simple types, e.g.:
    double a = 1.12;
    int b = 2;
    bool c = false;
    std::string d = "ddd";
    ElemUtils::LoggerManager::getInstance()->info("SomeClass", "someFunction", ElemUtils::Formatter() << "We have: " << a << " " << b << " " << c << " " << d);
    which gives:
    26-06-2017 02:20:28 [INFO] (SomeClass::someFunction) We have: 1.12 2 0 ddd
    Here we have shown how to use the Logger outside a class that inherits from BaseObject.

Services and available tasks

This table summarizes all tasks available in computation services. The serivces for particular production channel can be easly recognized with the used naming convention. The examples of usage can be found in partons-example project. For the online version, see this file and this folder.

Service Task Short description
GPDService computeSingleKinematic Evaluate GPD for single kinematic point
GPDService computeManyKinematic Evaluate GPD for many kinematic points
GPDService printResults Print out result to std output
GPDService generatePlotFile Generate plot file from data stored in database
DVCSConvolCoeffFunctionService computeSingleKinematic Evaluate CFF for single kinematic point
DVCSConvolCoeffFunctionService computeManyKinematic Evaluate CFF for many kinematic points
DVCSConvolCoeffFunctionService printResults Print out result to std output
DVCSConvolCoeffFunctionService generatePlotFile Generate plot file from data stored in database
DVCSObservableService computeSingleKinematic Evaluate observable for single kinematic point
DVCSObservableService computeManyKinematic Evaluate observable for many kinematic points
DVCSObservableService printResults Print out result to std output
DVCSObservableService generatePlotFile Generate plot file from data stored in database
TCSConvolCoeffFunctionService computeSingleKinematic Evaluate CFF for single kinematic point
TCSConvolCoeffFunctionService computeManyKinematic Evaluate CFF for many kinematic points
TCSConvolCoeffFunctionService printResults Print out result to std output
TCSConvolCoeffFunctionService generatePlotFile Generate plot file from data stored in database
TCSObservableService computeSingleKinematic Evaluate observable for single kinematic point
TCSObservableService computeManyKinematic Evaluate observable for many kinematic points
TCSObservableService printResults Print out result to std output
TCSObservableService generatePlotFile Generate plot file from data stored in database

Available modules

For the most up-to-date list of modules availible in PARTONS, see our GitLab repository. The linked page allows you to scan all availible modules. The names of modules correspond to the names of files: just drop .h extension.