Numerical Analysis C++ routines
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CNumA::ChebyshevChebyshev expansion class
 CNumA::DifferencesClass defining absolute and relative differences for comparison of real numbers (double)
 CNumA::EigenUtilsTools for the Eigen wrapper
 CNumA::ErrorsClass for defining estimations of absolute and relative errors
 CNumA::FunctionType1DClass for defining one-dimensional functions that can be used as arguments in virtual methods
 CNumA::Functor1D< PointerToObj, PointerToFunc >Template class for defining one-dimensional functions that can be used as arguments in virtual methods
 CNumA::FunctionTypeMDClass for defining multi-dimensional functions that can be used as arguments in virtual methods
 CNumA::FunctorMD< PointerToObj, PointerToFunc >Template class for defining multi-dimensional functions that can be used as arguments in virtual methods
 CNumA::FunctorUtilsUtilities for Functors
 CNumA::Integrator1DAbstract class for all integration routines
 CNumA::DExpIntegrator1DThis is an implementation of the double exponential rule
 CNumA::QuadratureIntegrator1DAbstract quadrature class (for fixed quadrature rules)
 CNumA::ChebyshevAIntegrator1DChebyshev quadrature for computing the integral \( \int_{-1}^1 \mathrm{dx} f(x) \sqrt{1-x^2} \)
 CNumA::ChebyshevBIntegrator1DChebyshev quadrature for computing the integral \( \int_{-1}^1 \mathrm{dx} \frac{f(x)}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \)
 CNumA::GaussLegendreIntegrator1DGauss-Legendre quadrature
 CNumA::GaussLegendreSeStIntegrator1DGauss-Legendre quadrature
 CNumA::TrapezoidalIntegrator1DTrapezoidal integration
 CNumA::TrapezoidalLogIntegrator1DTrapezoidal integration with logarithmic step
 CNumA::IntegratorType1DType of one-dimensional integrations (wrapper for enum)
 CNumA::Interval< T >Class defining an interval (with given bounds and step)
 CNumA::LinAlgUtilsLinear algebra routines such as linear solvers
 CNumA::LSMRSolverLSMR solves Ax = b or min ||Ax - b|| with or without damping, using the iterative algorithm of David Fong and Michael Saunders:
 CNumA::MathUtilsMiscellaneous utilities (mathematical functions, etc)
 CNumA::MatrixComplexDMatrix of complex numbers of undefined size
 CNumA::MatrixComplex2DMatrix of complex numbers of size 2x2
 CNumA::MatrixComplex3DMatrix of complex numbers of size 3x3
 CNumA::MatrixComplex4DMatrix of complex numbers of size 4x4
 CNumA::MatrixDRepresents a two-dimensional array of double
 CNumA::NewtonThe code supports on the example of the python library : scipy
 CNumA::NewtonMDNewton method generalized to any dimension N: Solves the system G(X) = 0, where G is a regular but non-linear application \( R^N \rightarrow R^N \)
 CNumA::TolerancesDefine absolute and relative tolerances for comparison of real numbers (double) and check if they are positive
 CNumA::Vector2DObject representing a two-dimensional vector
 CNumA::Vector3DObject representing a three-dimensional vector
 CNumA::Vector4DObject representing a four-vector
 CNumA::VectorComplexDVector of complex numbers of undefined size
 CNumA::VectorComplex2DVector of complex numbers of size 2
 CNumA::VectorComplex3DVector of complex numbers of size 3
 CNumA::VectorComplex4DVector of complex numbers of size 4
 CNumA::VectorDObject representing a mathematical vector