| DVCSProcessBMJ12 (const std::string &className) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~DVCSProcessBMJ12 () |
| Default destructor. More...
virtual DVCSProcessBMJ12 * | clone () const |
| Virtual clone function to allow the factory to clone all derived members object stored in the BaseObjectRegistry. More...
virtual | ~DVCSProcessModule () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual std::string | toString () const |
| Return a pre-formatted characters string for output visualization of class member's values. More...
virtual void | resolveObjectDependencies () |
| Because of the initialization step order of the program, objects are registered in a total random order and some objects depend on others. More...
virtual void | run () |
virtual void | configure (const ElemUtils::Parameters ¶meters) |
| Provides a generic method to configure all types of modules by passing a Parameters object. More...
virtual void | prepareSubModules (const std::map< std::string, BaseObjectData > &subModulesData) |
| Method used in automation to prepare all the modules used by this current module and configure them recursively. More...
virtual DVCSObservableResult | compute (double beamHelicity, double beamCharge, NumA::Vector3D targetPolarization, const DVCSObservableKinematic &kinematic, const List< GPDType > &gpdType=List< GPDType >()) |
virtual List< GPDType > | getListOfAvailableGPDTypeForComputation () const |
| Must be implemented in child class. More...
DVCSObservableResult | compute (double beamHelicity, double beamCharge, NumA::Vector3D targetPolarization, const DVCSObservableKinematic &kinematic, const List< GPDType > &gpdType, VCSSubProcessType::Type processType) |
| Computes the differential cross-section. More...
virtual void | resetPreviousKinematic () |
| Reset previous kinematics. More...
bool | isPreviousCCFKinematicDifferent (const DVCSConvolCoeffFunctionKinematic &kinematic) const |
| Check if this kinematics is different than the previous one. More...
DVCSScalesModule * | getScaleModule () const |
| Get scale module. More...
void | setScaleModule (DVCSScalesModule *pScaleModule) |
| Set scale module. More...
DVCSXiConverterModule * | getXiConverterModule () const |
| Get xi converter module. More...
void | setXiConverterModule (DVCSXiConverterModule *pXiConverterModule) |
| Set xi converted module. More...
DVCSConvolCoeffFunctionModule * | getConvolCoeffFunctionModule () const |
| Get CCF module;. More...
void | setConvolCoeffFunctionModule (DVCSConvolCoeffFunctionModule *pConvolCoeffFunctionModule) |
| Set CCF module. More...
void | setConvolCoeffFunction (const DVCSConvolCoeffFunctionKinematic &kin, const DVCSConvolCoeffFunctionResult &result) |
| Set manually CFFs. More...
virtual | ~ProcessModule () |
| Destructor. More...
bool | isCCFModuleDependent () const |
| Check if this process module depends on a CCF module. More...
void | setIsCCFModuleDependent (bool isCCFModuleDependent) |
| Set if this process module depends on a CCF module. More...
| ModuleObject (const std::string &className, ChannelType::Type channelType) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~ModuleObject () |
| Default destructor. More...
unsigned int | getReferenceModuleId () const |
| Get reference module id. More...
void | setReferenceModuleId (unsigned int referenceModuleId) |
| Set reference module id. More...
ChannelType::Type | getChannelType () const |
| Get channel type. More...
| BaseObject (const std::string &className) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~BaseObject () |
| Default destructor. More...
void | serialize (ElemUtils::Packet &packet) const |
| Used to split a complex C++ object into a concatenation of simple types. More...
void | unserialize (ElemUtils::Packet &packet) |
| Used to rebuild a complex C++ object from a concatenation of simple type. More...
bool | operator< (const BaseObject &other) const |
| Overload of < operator to sort BaseObject object by its indexId value. More...
const std::string & | getClassName () const |
unsigned int | getObjectId () const |
int | getIndexId () const |
void | setIndexId (int indexId) |
void | defineAngles (const NumA::Vector3D &targetPolarization) |
| Defines the BMK angles. Conversion to the BMK convention. More...
void | computeFormFactors () |
| Compute F1 and F2 form factors. More...
void | computeFourierCoeffsBH () |
| Computes c_BH and s_BH. More...
void | computeFourierCoeffsVCS () |
| Computes c_VCS and s_VCS. More...
void | computeAngularCoeffsInterf () |
| Computes C_ab(n), S_ab(n), etc. More...
void | computeFourierCoeffsInterf () |
| Computes c_I and s_I. More...
std::complex< double > | CFF (GPDType::Type F, int a, int b) |
| Method that gives F+b and F0+ already calculated. More...
void | computeCFFs () |
| Computes CFFS F+b and F0+. More...
std::complex< double > | C_VCS (unsigned int S, int a1, int b1, int a2, int b2) |
| Method that gives the VCS coefficient bilinear in the CFFs. More...
std::complex< double > | C_VCS (unsigned int S, int a1, int b1, int a2, int b2, int a3, int b3) |
std::complex< double > | C_VCS (unsigned int S, int a1, int b1, int a2, int b2, int a3, int b3, int a4, int b4) |
std::complex< double > | C_I (unsigned int S, int a, int b, const std::string &VA) |
| Method that gives the Interference coefficient linear in the CFFs. More...
std::complex< double > | C_I (unsigned int S, unsigned int n, int a, int b) |
| Method that gives the "effective" linear combinations of CFFs. More...
std::complex< double > | S_I (unsigned int S, unsigned int n, int a, int b) |
| Method that gives the "effective" linear combinations of CFFs. More...
double | SqrAmplBH (double beamHelicity, double beamCharge, NumA::Vector3D targetPolarization) |
| Returns the squared amplitude of Bethe Heitler process. More...
double | SqrAmplVCS (double beamHelicity, double beamCharge, NumA::Vector3D targetPolarization) |
| Returns the squared amplitude of VCS process. More...
double | SqrAmplInterf (double beamHelicity, double beamCharge, NumA::Vector3D targetPolarization) |
| Returns the interference term of the squared amplitude. More...
double | m_phi1BMK |
| Angle small phi of BMK (between electron and outgoing proton). More...
double | m_phi2BMK |
| Angle small phi of BMK (between target polarization and outgoing proton). More...
double | m_PhiBMK |
| Angle capital Phi of BMK (between electron and target polarization). More...
double | m_theta |
| Polarization angle of target. More...
double | m_Lambda |
| Longitudinal polarization of target. More...
double | m_lambda |
| Lepton helicity. More...
double | m_phaseSpace |
| Phase-space factor. More...
double | m_xB2 |
| Square of xB. More...
std::vector< double > | m_Q |
| Square root of virtuality Q2. More...
std::vector< double > | m_xBtQ2 |
std::vector< double > | m_M |
| Proton mass. More...
std::vector< double > | m_yBMJ |
| Lepton energy fraction. More...
std::vector< double > | m_epsilonBMJ |
| m_epsilon[0] = epsilon, m_epsilon[1] = epsilon^2, etc... More...
std::vector< double > | m_epsroot |
| sqrt(1+epsilon^2) More...
std::vector< double > | m_K |
std::vector< double > | m_Kt |
| Kinematical factors K and K tilde. More...
std::vector< double > | m_Delta2 |
| Mandelstam variable t. More...
double | m_P1 |
double | m_P2 |
| Lepton propagators. More...
double | m_F1 |
double | m_F2 |
| Dirac and Pauli form factors. More...
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_cBH |
| Fourier coeffs of the BH squared amplitude. More...
double | m_s1BHTP |
| BH Fourier coeff s1 TP. More...
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_cVCS |
| Fourier coeffs (cosinus) of the VCS squared amplitude. More...
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_sVCS |
| Fourier coeffs (sinus) of the VCS squared amplitude. More...
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_cI |
| Fourier coeffs (cosinus) of the Interference term. More...
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_sI |
| Fourier coeffs (sinus) of the Interference term. More...
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > | m_C |
| Angular coeffs \( C_ab(n) \), \( dC_ab(n) \), \( S_ab(n) \), \( dS_ab(n) \) . More...
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > | m_S |
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > | m_dC |
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > | m_dS |
std::vector< std::vector< double > > | m_cF |
| Coefficients used for computing F+b and F0+. More...
std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< double > > > | m_CFF |
| Array that stores the CFFs F+b and F0+. More...
Module for the DVCS process using the Belitsky-Müller set of formulas.
Code based on the published papers:
- arxiv:hep-ph/0112108 [3] for the BH amplitude ;
- arxiv:1212.6674 [4] for the DVCS amplitude and interference.
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double> > > PARTONS::DVCSProcessBMJ12::m_C |
private |
Angular coeffs \( C_ab(n) \), \( dC_ab(n) \), \( S_ab(n) \), \( dS_ab(n) \) .
1st index: [0]=C++, [1]=C-+, [2]=C0+.
2nd index: [0]=not, [1]=V, [2]=A.
3rd index: n
std::vector<std::vector<std::complex<double> > > PARTONS::DVCSProcessBMJ12::m_CFF |
private |
Array that stores the CFFs F+b and F0+.
1st index: [0] = H, [1] = E, [2] = Ht, [3] = Et.
2nd index: [0] = F++, [1] = F+-, [2] = F0+.
std::vector<std::vector<double> > PARTONS::DVCSProcessBMJ12::m_cI |
private |
Fourier coeffs (cosinus) of the Interference term.
1st index: [0]=unp, [1]=LP, [2]=TP.
2nd index: [0]=c0, [1]=c1, [2]=c2, [3]=c3.
std::vector<std::vector<double> > PARTONS::DVCSProcessBMJ12::m_sI |
private |
Fourier coeffs (sinus) of the Interference term.
1st index: [0]=unp, [1]=LP, [2]=TP.
2nd index: [0]=0., [1]=s1, [2]=s2, [3]=s3.